Thursday, 12 September 2013

Washing Cloth Diapers as simple as 1, 2, 3

In India, most of us use cloth nappies and we maintain it so well. It is same with cloth diaper too. Cloth diaper needs to be absorbent, so we need to take little extra care, that’s it!
Before using diaper, Wash it!  :) You must wash ALL diapers & covers prior to first use 1-5 times

This must be done so your diaper can be at their full absorbency. Washing will remove the natural oils and waxes that will hinder your diaper absorbency.  Ideally it must be washed 5 times for efficient absorbency.  Just for getting that  10 -15 ml of extra absorbency why should we waste 100 L of water. As we use and wash absorbency will increase.

* Use your health facet to spray the poop in the toilet. Use a lidded bin to store all the soiled diaper until next wash
* “Sunning” would actually work on stains. Simply place stained diaper in the sun for drying them and you twill be amazed at how the stains will virtually disappear within hours.

Hand wash routine:  
Step 1- No detergent cold rinse  once or twice
Step 2-Use a tiny bit of cloth diaper safe laundry detergent in warm water (30 C ) and soak it  for 15 – 20 mins and wash it.
Caution : Don’t use Brush that’s used for washing clothes, Don’t beat the clothes to the floor or the washing stone (in case you have it in your house ;) )  Don’t use washing soap bars on the diaper.
Step 3-Extra rinse to ensure no soap residue
Machine wash routine:
Step 1- No detergent cold rinse 
Step 2-Use a ¼  amount of   cloth diaper safe laundry detergent in warm water in delicate/gentle mode. (1/4 for front-loading machines and ½ for top loading machine)
In case washing machine doesn’t have hot water option, add one-bucket hot water while washing
Step 3-Extra rinse cycles to ensure no soap residue
*In case if you use Dryers tumble-dry Low. 

*ONLY use cloth diaper safe detergents. Detergent can affect many aspects of your diaper: absorbency, odour, and how long your diaper will last.

Amway SA8 delicate, Surf Excel Gentle, Soap nut , Pigeon baby detergent are the best bet. Surf / Ariel / Tide has enzymes in it. Use 1/5 of the recommended detergent in case of Surf , Ariel ,tide etc  ( Not ideal to use, in case you still want to use

*Wash cloth diaper regularly. I suggest daily or  every 2-3 days. This will keep stains from setting in and will discourage mold growth.
*No fabric softeners, no optical whiteners or brighteners, & no enzymes. These will reduce the absorbency of the diaper

*Never use chlorine bleach on cloth diaper.


In India, a few premium detergent brands presently available in the market like Ariel,Surf Ultra, Rin, Biolites, Revel Plus , Zymo contain enzymes in their formulations.


  1. wonderful post with all necessary infos. thumbs up

  2. thank you for the tutorial on how to wash cloth diapers
